Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Journal #2: "Museums in the Classroom"

By: Rose Reissman

This article was interactive and actually really interesting. I’m glad to have found these websites because they can provide some assistance when looking for something to do on the weekend. The article provides interactive web links for museum glossary terms, different museum websites – with virtual tours, and even has a link for students to design their very own “cybermuseum tours” and to get ideas for classroom exhibits. The website allows for teachers with no experience using museums as a tool to teachers who have a great deal of experience to have fun with these tools, and provides a resource guide to use. I followed a few of these links and ended up finding a long list of museums within 100 miles of me that I had never heard of, but would love to go to!

Q1: How would websites like this benefit a teacher, specifically an elementary teacher?
A1: These websites would assist any teacher, but in my opinion they could provide even more help for an elementary teacher. These web links can take students to sites to help create exhibits for the classroom and can give all kinds of pertinent information for projects. A third grade teacher could have their students follow one of these links and come up with their own “exhibit” for the classroom museum and make a day of touring the museum the students made themselves. What better way to get your young students involved and interested in their work?

Q2: How can a teacher integrate digital citizenship and virtual museum trips?
A2: Any teacher could use these web sites as examples when talking about digital literacy, digital etiquette, or digital security. Students could be taught how to maneuver through these sites properly and with the right amount of knowledge pertaining to keeping themselves and their computers safe.

Reissman, R. (February 2009). “Museums in the Classroom”. Learning and Leading with Technology, Vol 36, Issue 5, Retrieved February 17, from http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading/200902/

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